3.1 Privacy Policy for Students

Ikræfttrædelse 01-10-2023
  • 📝 Introduction
    You might be wondering why you're reading a privacy policy, right? Well, we want you to know that we take your privacy very seriously. This document explains what, why, and how we collect data from you. Spoiler alert: it's all aimed at making your school life better.

  • 📊 What Data We Collect
    We're big on anonymity here. When you use StudentPulse, we gather anonymous feedback and data about your use of our self-help services. If you decide you need additional support, like talking to a counselor, we'll ask for your name and contact information – but only if you're comfortable with it - and only when you’ve approved the terms and conditions.

  • 🛠️ How We Use the Data
    - To Support Your Success: We use your anonymous feedback to provide personalized suggestions to help you feel better and excel in school.
    - To Help Your School: Your anonymous feedback also helps your school make improvements for everyone's benefit.
    - To Enhance StudentPulse: We use this data for research, training our AI, and making StudentPulse an even better tool for you.

  • 🤝 Data Sharing
    Your anonymous data might be shared with your school or used for our research. But don't worry, it's so anonymous that even we can't identify you. If you request extra support, that information goes directly to the people at your school who can assist you. We don't keep or share it anywhere else.

  • 🔒 Data Security
    We prioritise your data's security and use advanced technology to keep it safe. If you want more details, check out our Institutional Privacy Policy.

  • 🛡️ Your Rights
    You have the authority! If you have any questions or concerns about your data, you can always reach out to our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

  • 🤖 Third-Party Services
    We rely on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to safeguard your data. They're experts in data security and fully GDPR-compliant, so your data is in good hands.

  • 🔄 Changes to the Policy
    Heads up! We may update this policy occasionally, but we'll notify you of any major changes.

  • 📞 Contact Information
    Got questions? Feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Legal Responsible

Kevin Rebsdorf

+45 22282321

[email protected]